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This is what the front of the residence looked like when Karl first visited the site.  Not much to work with!

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This is the rendering of the front of the home as generated from the design's preliminary plan. After presentation to the owner, it was decided to design a single enterance approach  to deminish the duplex nature of the building.


This is the rendering of the front of the home as generated from the design's final construction plan. The intent of this design was to draw the attention of the passerby away from the building as a whole, and concentrate it on an attractive and dominate front porch.

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And here is a photo of the front of the residence upon completion of the work per the plans provided by ARD.

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This is what the rear of the residence looked like when Karl first visited the site.


This is the rendering of the rear sunroom design as produced as a preliminary design per the owners request. Subsequently, the owner decided not to proceed with the construction of this addition.

©2011, Aiken Residential Design, L.L.C.